2-Factor Authentication

2 Steps can monitor the end-user experience of applications that require 2FA or one-time pins.

Go further

2 Steps goes past the login page and monitors any transaction within the app.

Any interaction

Automate actions that your users would. Send an email, download a report etc.

Any location

Deploy monitoring nodes at any geographical location. Know of issues before your users.

Video replay

Not just screenshots of performance issues but video replays of what your users are experiencing.

Work with the 2 Steps team to set up 2FA automation for any application

Simple set-up and flexibility with 2FA protocols such as authentication apps or SMS. Contact us to see how this works for your business-critical applications.

2 Steps and 2FA

Learn how 2 Steps can generate 2FA codes for Synthetic Monitoring transactions and the different types of security frameworks our robots can use.


Using 2 Steps, we were able to prove that our ERP hardware upgrade had resulted in a 25% performance improvement from the user’s perspective.

Erwin Dekker
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